The descriptions of “overweight” and “obese” are ranges of weight that are considered greater then what is considered healthy for a given weight. Body Mass Index or BMI is a measure of body fat calculated by using weight and height.
Underweight adult has a BMI less than 18.5
Healthy weight adult has a BMI is between 18.5-24.9
Overweight adult has a BMI is between 25 – 29.9
Obese adult has a BMI between 30 – 35
Severely obese adult has a BMI between 35 – 40
Morbidly obese adult has a BMI higher than 40.
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Cancer (endometrial, colon and breast
- Hypertension
- Dyslipidemia
- Stroke
- Liver and Gallbladder disease
- Sleep Apnea and Respiratory Problems
- Ostorarthritis
- Gynocological Problems such as infertility and abnormal menses
Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) now. Your BMI is a measure of body fat based on weight and height.
At Overeaters Solutions, we find that people who undergo weight loss don’t just undergo a physical transformation but also a mental and emotional transformation as well. Below are just some of the positive effects of weight loss on individuals.
- They have a huge leap in confidence
- Improved self esteem
- Better quality of life and better body image
- They become more physically and socially active
- They develop greater sense of self worth and with that, comes more assertiveness
- We see a decrease in depressive symptoms
In many ways individuals who undergo extreme weight loss report feeling reborn, they can go places and do things that perhaps they weren’t able to do prior to weight loss.
Breakthrough Session
A Breakthrough Session is an intensive, private 1 hour session with Dr. Marcantonis where you begin to take action and to understand some of the causes of your weight issues. Dr. Marcantonis, a specialist in the treatment of eating disorders and obesity, will evaluate psychological, emotional and behavioral issues that are essential in understanding why you struggle with weight. A Breakthrough Session will help motivate you and increase commit to beginning to solve your weight problems. Our focus is to rebalance and commit to change! Our Breakthrough Session will leave you with an increased awareness and better understanding of your weight issues. In addition, Dr. Marcantonis will provide you with the foundation of behavioral weight loss and specific homework to begin immediately. Your Breakthrough session package will also include two follow up 30 minute coaching calls.